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Assistant Coach Leafe looking on intently.

Natalie triple jumping in a MAJOR way.


Demonstrating proper "alligator" catching technique.

Tossing around during warmups

Natalie with a huge throw

Ali and Grace having a catch

Look at that effort!

Lily working on her perfect release

Family time at AU!


Fun in the sun.

Assistant Coach Leafe demonstrating proper forehead/cone touching technique.

Pure focus.

A HUGE kick during warmups.

Oh hey there!

Intense moments...

Aurelia gives some strategy tips during capture the flag.

AU Player of the Week Hannah Schwartz outplaying
the coaches

Athletes United Co-Founders, Dartmouth varsity soccer players Becky Poskin '09 (left) and Myra Sack '10 (right) lead basketball activities. Summer 2008.

Dartmouth varsity basketball players Betsy Williams '10, Robby Pride '10 and Michelle Meyer '10 lead basketball defensive drills. Summer 2008. [Photo courtesy of Maggie Goldstein / The Dartmouth Staff]

Athletes United participants playing basketball inside Dartmouth's Leede Arena. Summer 2008.